Friday, March 16, 2012

I'm sorry about being neglectful about this thing...

RE SCAN OF DAY 17-29, 33, 35, 38, 40-42
I re-scanned this image with the help of my friend's WONDERFUL scanner. It looks so much better now. I'm quite happy. :)

DAY 12 - 15, 43, 44
Jan 12 William Hartnell, Jan 13 Patrick Troughton, Jan 14 Jon Pertwee, Jan 15 Tom Baker, Feb 12 Peter Davison, Feb 13 Colin Baker
I finished the drawing and scanning of all the Doctors on the 23rd of last month... I meant to update with them a long time ago. Sorry about that. Anyway, as you can all see, after Feb. 11th I really started to draw with more detail and realistically, but the 6th Doctor wasn't too fun to draw and was more of a challenge than anything.

DAY 45 - 50
Feb 14 Sylvester McCoy, Feb 15 Paul McGann, Feb 16 Christopher Eccleston, Feb 17 David Tennant, Feb 19 Matt Smith
I'm quite proud of these six drawings. I tried my hardest to actually make them look like them. Since I was very tired on the 47th night, the ninth Doctor gave me some trouble, . I also redrew the first Doctor, this time with a reference.