Sunday, February 12, 2012

I have been neglecting my blog.

To those who actually read/look at this, sorry about that. I'm still not done drawing up all the doctors yet or even close to filling up the page with doctors...for those who are curious. Once I fill up the page, I will upload it.

Now, here's some art.

DAY 29

Random people in Pasadena while I was at a sketchjam.

DAY 31, 33, 34/35
Jan 29th is the continuation from the sketchjam of drawing random people. Jan 31st is suppose to be James Mcavoy from Starter for 10. Feb 2 is suppose to be Benedict Cumberbatch from Third Star. Feb 3&4 is suppose to be Benedict Cumberbatch from Sherlock.

DAY 17-29, 33, 35, 38, 40-42

Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman from Sherlock as Sherlock Holmes and John Watson.
This one looks way better in person. I have a horrible scanner that doesn't have quality settings.
Imagine that. Once I have access to a better scanner I'll use it to upload a better image.

Well that's all the filled pages I have so far. Hope you enjoyed them.